Gillen Backs State Budget Approved by House
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mark Gillen (R-Berks/Lancaster) today in Harrisburg voted to approve a state budget bill that would supplement existing funding in the 2015-16 spending plan by providing additional dollars for agricultural programs, schools and other core functions of state government. Following the vote, Gillen issued the following statement:

“I hope the governor will join with us in a bipartisan manner to finish the current state budget by signing this bill into law. This legislation provides the financial resources students and farmers need without further burdening Pennsylvanians with a broad-based tax increase.

“Our students and parents, farmers and other Pennsylvanians have waited far too long for the release of this important state funding. By signing this bill, the governor can ensure school doors will remain open to students and farmers will have access to resources that help them grow our economy and feed Pennsylvania families.

“The governor promised Pennsylvanians a government that works and I hope he will deliver on that promise by signing this budget bill into law.”

Representative Mark Gillen
128th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Dan Massing
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