Kauffman Supports Supplemental Funding to Get Needed Funding to Schools, Agriculture and Human Services
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) today supported passage of a bill that would release needed funding to supplement the 2015-16 state budget that suffered critical funding cuts by the governor before being signed into law in December. Kauffman issued the following statement:
“House Republicans have been working on various legislative means to restore the funding the governor stripped from the final budget in December for education, health care, agriculture and other core government functions.
House Bill 1801 is a balanced approach that restores essential funding using available dollars without the need for any new or increased taxes on Commonwealth citizens.
“I am hopeful the governor understands the great need to have this legislation signed into law so that our schools remain open and other essential programs and services can continue to serve our citizens.
“There are a number of schools across the state that have already alerted lawmakers to the fact that without state dollars that were cut from the budget signed in December, they may have to close their doors before the end of the academic year. The funding contained in this bill will prevent such an unprecedented occurrence from taking place.
“Also in the bill is funding allocations for Penn State Extension services, 4-H, community colleges, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education universities, child advocacy centers, burn centers and numerous other critical areas.
“We need to get this bill signed into law and then move on to addressing the 2016-17 state budget.”
To view Kauffman’s video comments here.
For more information on the March supplemental funding for 2015-16, go to
Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman