Rothman Supports Effort to Increase Education Funding
HARRISBURG – Today, state Representative Greg Rothman (R-Cumberland) voted in favor of House Bill 1801, which provides supplemental appropriations to close out the 2015-16 budget and restore Governor Tom Wolf’s cuts to basic education, agriculture, and corrections funding. The legislation passed by a bipartisan vote of 128 to 63.

Rothman issued the following statement after the vote:

“I hope this vote brings a close to the 2015-16 state budget by restoring the governor’s line-item vetoes to education, agriculture and corrections funding. This budget is responsible, balanced, provides a $200 million increase in basic education funding and does not raise tax rates. It is time for the Governor to stop holding our schools and universities as hostages. We must put this year’s budget behind us and begin working on a balanced, responsible and timely budget for the next year.”

Representative Greg Rothman
87th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Eric Reath
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