Budget Bill Gives More to Education Without New Taxes, Kaufer Says
HARRISBURG – On Wednesday, Rep. Aaron Kaufer (R-Luzerne) voted in favor of House Bill 1801, a budget proposal which seeks to fund line items that Gov. Tom Wolf cut on Dec. 29, including restoration of more than $3 billion in funding for basic education.

“I am not willing to let schools shut down,” Kaufer said. “Today, the House voted in favor of finalizing the 2015-16 state budget. This is a supplemental proposal in which the math works and no broad-based tax increases are necessary. I remain extremely hopeful that our governor will sign this into law so our budget can be complete and we can begin work on the 2016-17 budget.”

This budget plan spends $30.031 billion, which equates to a $872.6 million increase over 2014-15, about 3 percent. It spends $238 million less than House Bill 1460, the budget plan which the governor vetoed portions of in December. This plan spends within revenues that are available and does not rely on new taxes.

“This budget includes an all-time high amount of dollars spent in the classroom for the four school districts that I represent, while paying the necessary bill for our state’s pension obligations,” Kaufer explained. “All this is done through this measure without raising broad-based taxes.”

For more information about this proposal, or any other state-related issue, contact Kaufer’s district office in Luzerne located at 161 Main St., by calling 570-283-1001. Information can also be found online at RepKaufer.com or Facebook.com/RepKaufer.

Representative Aaron Kaufer
120th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
RepKaufer.com / Facebook.com/RepKaufer