Harper Issues Statement on Budget Bill to Fund PA Schools
HARRISBURG – Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery) today joined a majority of members of the House and Senate in approving legislation to provide much-needed funding to school districts and close out the 2015-16 state budget. Gov. Tom Wolf has said he will veto the measure. Harper issued the following statement in response:
“I met with Governor Wolf personally and asked him not to veto this budget because the schools need the money. We found the money and today passed what is basically a stop gap budget to finish the 2015-2016 school year without having the schools in the poor urban and rural areas close down.
“We can fight another day about how to balance NEXT year’s budget, due in June. But this year, let’s agree we need to get the money out to the public schools now. Let’s agree it’s way past time to fund Temple, Pitt, Lincoln and Penn State Extension Service and the 4-H. Let’s agree on that today. We can continue the fight tomorrow.”
Representative Kate Harper
61st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rep. Harper’s Blue Bell Office
www.KateHarper.net /