Harhart Supports 2015-16 Supplemental Budget Funding
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Julie Harhart (R-Lehigh/Northampton) today supported passage of a bill that would steer the release of needed additional funding to supplement the 2015-16 state budget that suffered critical funding cuts by the governor before being partially signed into law in December. She issued the following statement:

“The bill the House passed today would provide needed additional funding to ensure our schools receive the money needed to remain open. Basic education would receive almost $6 billion in funding and higher education, such as our state universities and community colleges, would receive a 5 percent increase over what was provided in the 2014-15 state budget.

“The bill passed today also would restore funding for children’s advocacy centers, burn centers and critical access hospitals that was cut by the governor.

“These and other crucial funding restorations are included in the bill and would not require any broad-based tax increases on the people of Pennsylvania. It is my hope that the governor will work with us to pass this legislation into law and avoid the real potential of schools closing all across the Commonwealth due to insufficient state support.”

For more information on the March supplemental budget for 2015-16, go to pahousegop.com/201516budget.aspx.

Representative Julie Harhart
183rd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman