Judiciary Committee Moves Legislation to Create Commerce Court for Business-Related Litigation
HARRISBURG – In an attempt to improve Pennsylvania’s legal system and economy, House Judiciary Committee Majority Chairman Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin) moved legislation to promote commerce divisions of the Superior Court and Courts of Common Pleas during the Judiciary Committee’s scheduled weekly voting meeting.

“By establishing these specialty divisions, Pennsylvania takes an important step for growing our economy,” said Marsico. “It has been proven that businesses locate their operations based off the integrity, efficiency and predictability of the legal system.”

This legislation is modeled after the successful Commerce Case Management Program in Philadelphia. The creation of this specialty division within the Court of Common Pleas (CCP) in Philadelphia fostered a specialty amongst judges hearing commerce cases. Over the last decade the result has been effective, efficient and predictable rulings from Philadelphia judges on complex business cases. Commerce Courts at the local level are not isolated to Philadelphia, as other CCPs have established Commerce Courts to handle complex business cases within their jurisdiction.

This legislation promotes the same specialization at the state level.

These business cases include corporate acquisitions, mergers, dissolution, liquidations or other matters concerning corporations, limited liability companies, trusts, sole proprietorships and corporate partnerships.

“Obviously, there will be instances where companies may not agree with court rulings. However, by creating a transparent and efficient process that business owners can rely on, more job creators will open their business in Pennsylvania,” said Marsico. “The result of the improvement in our legal system is not only more Pennsylvania businesses, but more Pennsylvania jobs.”

In addition to House Bill 323, several other bills moved through the committee this week, including:

House Bill 470, which would allow probation officers to briefly stop parolees in public to confirm they are complying with their conditions of probation or parole.
House Bill 623, which would prohibit someone charged with Rape, Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse or Aggravated Indecent Assault against a child from being placed into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD).
• Senate Bill 283 which would continue the process of amending the state constitution to eliminate the Philadelphia Traffic Court.

The legislation will now go to the full House for consideration.

Representative Ronald Marsico
105th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Autumn R. Southard, 717.652.3721