Petri Bill Would Permit B&Bs to Give Complimentary Wine to Patrons
Measure would help promote Pennsylvania wine, tourism industries

HARRISBURG – The House has approved a bill sponsored by Rep. Scott Petri (R-Bucks) that would allow Pennsylvania bed and breakfasts that do not possess a liquor license to provide a complimentary bottle of wine to overnight guests.

House Bill 1273 would permit unlicensed bed and breakfasts, commonly known as B&Bs, to provide one bottle of Pennsylvania wine to paying customers when they check in.

“My bill would enable bed and breakfasts to advertise complimentary wine or champagne for guests as is the practice in other states,” said Petri. “Under current law, it is illegal to sell alcohol – directly or indirectly – without a license from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. My bill specifies that a limit of one bottle of complimentary wine, produced by a Pennsylvania limited winery, may be offered to a paying B&B customer without constituting a direct or indirect sale.

“B&Bs are important to Pennsylvania’s tourism industry, just as limited wineries are,” said Petri. “Some B&Bs are located near or within close driving distance of a Pennsylvania winery. My bill would update the law by permitting B&B operators who want to offer a complimentary bottle of local wine to their guests to do so without having to first obtain a liquor license.

“The change would enable Pennsylvania B&B operators to compete more effectively with their counterparts in bordering states who are permitted to advertise romantic getaways that include complimentary beverages.”

The measure passed in the House today by a vote of 193-1, and is now on its way to the Senate for consideration.

To see Petri’s comments after passage of the bill, click here.