House Judiciary Committee Approves Grove Legislation
Bill aimed at establishing Commerce Courts in Pennsylvania

YORK – Legislation sponsored by State Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) was approved in the House Judiciary Committee today, would improve Pennsylvania’s business climate by authorizing the creation of specialized commerce courts in the Superior Court and Court of Common Pleas.

House Bill 323 would allow for the expansion of the successful “Commerce Court” programs in the Philadelphia and Allegheny County Courts of Common Pleas. These programs have judges dedicated to hearing and deciding business-related cases. This legislation, as amended, would authorize the Superior Court and Courts of Common Pleas to establish efficient and uniform commerce courts in their jurisdictions, to handle complex business cases, including: acquisitions, mergers, dissolutions, and liquidations, among other items.

“Businesses are willing to locate themselves where they can trust the integrity and predictability of the legal system. My legislation would improve Pennsylvania’s business climate by creating a transparent and effective judicial system. This will lead to more businesses and more importantly jobs in the Commonwealth.

“Delaware is a prime example of the success of commerce courts. Their Court of Chancery has proven to be an asset in attracting business; we need to be doing the same in Pennsylvania. Companies who go through the courts may not always agree on the outcomes, but creating a transparent and efficient process will encourage business growth,” said Grove.

“Business disputes often involve complex issues and complicated commercial relationships among multiple parties. Pennsylvania businesses and business owners will benefit from the creation of a specialty court staffed by judges who are well versed in both the substance and nuances of commercial law and business practice. I applaud Representative Grove’s efforts to improve the business climate in our state by establishing a commerce court in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” said York County business attorney Neil Slenker, of the York-based firm Stock and Leader.

The legislation will now be considered by the House of Representatives.

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Representative Seth Grove
196th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Eric Reath
717.260-6187 /