Budget Bill On Task and Set to Be On Time, Says Sankey
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Tommy Sankey (R-Cambria/Clearfield) today voted to support House Bill 1192, the primary budget bill for fiscal year 2015-16. The legislation is scheduled to be taken up immediately by the state Senate and is still on target to reach Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk and be signed into law before the conclusion of the fiscal year.

Sankey issued the following statement after passage of House Bill 1192:

“We have a constitutional obligation to present a balance, on time budget. We have an obligation to our constituents to spend their hard-earned dollars wisely while supporting the essential services they require and deserve. This budget bill will do that and is on target to hit Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk by the close of business for the fiscal year.

“House Bill 1192 makes the necessary investment in public school education at yet another record level. All schools in Cambria and Clearfield counties will again receive an increase in basic education funding. That increase will be supplemented by the money freed up through pension reform when Senate Bill 1 is acted upon in the next few days after being voted out of committee today. I supported the bill then and will do so again in the House chamber and I hope Gov. Tom Wolf follows through by signing it into law.

“Increased numbers of Pennsylvanians in the greatest need will receive support through program expansion made possible by the budget. More than 15,000 additional children would be covered by CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program). More than 4,200 additional senior citizens and more than 2,000 individuals with physical disabilities will be added to the rolls soon after House Bill 1192 becomes law.

“I urge my Senate colleagues to keep the process moving. Taxpayers want us to do our work efficiently, effectively and on time. This bill is set to do that.”

Representative Tommy Sankey
73rd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little
RepSankey.com / Facebook.com/RepSankey