Culver Supports Spending Plan That Meets Needs Without Tax Increases
HARRISBURG – Rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver (R-Northumberland/Snyder) joined the majority of her colleagues in the state House on Saturday, June 27, in voting in favor of a fiscally responsible legislative budget proposal which included no tax increases. Culver made the following statement after the vote:
“The budget I supported today in the House would spend $30.18 billion, a 3.6 percent spending increase. No tax increases are included in this proposal. I believe that we cannot spend what we don’t have at the state level. How can I ask people to reach into their pockets to pay more until we exhaust all other avenues? This budget meets the needs of taxpayers while respecting the financial realities of the Commonwealth.
“As lawmakers, we have a constitutional obligation to have a budget done by June 30, and I have concerns that some of our most vulnerable citizens could have their programs impacted if the governor doesn’t sign a budget. Overall, I feel the voices of my constituents have been heard. Many of the requests and concerns they have expressed to me were included in the budget proposal we passed in the House today.
“I was proud to support this budget today for many reasons, including the notable increases in the education line items. This budget plan includes a $25 million increase for Pre-K Counts, and a $5 million increase for Headstart. This will help to serve an additional 3,500 children. This budget plan also includes a $100 million increase for basic education funding, and includes an additional $5 million for the Education Improvement Tax Credit, which is popular in the area I represent. The budget also restores and increases funding for the mobile science and math education program, which greatly serves and enhances our schools in the 108th District.
“Further, this bill included a 3 percent increase for nearly all areas of higher education. There is a $10.35 million increase in PHEAA for student grants, and an additional $732,000 for institutional assistance grants. Community colleges will receive an additional $6.47 million. A 10 percent increase was included for domestic violence and rape crisis programs, which equates to an increase of $2.4 million between the two line items.”
House Bill 1192 has been sent to the Senate for its consideration. Related video comments will be available at
For more information about this legislation, or any other state-related issue, contact Culver’s district office in Sunbury located at 106 Arch St., by calling 570-286-5885, or toll-free at 1-800-924-9060. Information can also be found online at or
Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver
108th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
717.705.2032 /