Tomlinson Bill to Ensure Safer Nursing Ratios at Hospitals Passes House
HARRISBURG—Legislation sponsored by Rep. KC Tomlinson (R-Bucks) to establish safe patient limits under the care of an individual nurse in Pennsylvania hospitals has passed the House.
“Nurses across the state are being assigned to an increasing number of patients, sometimes 10-12 patients at one time,” Tomlinson said. “It’s very simple. The more patients a nurse must care for creates greater opportunities for errors- errors that could cost patients their lives.”
Known as the Patient Safety Act, House Bill 106 would set appropriate ratios for Pennsylvania hospitals dependent upon the acuity of the unit’s patient needs. This critical problem was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic and remains a difficulty today.”
The Patient Safety Act will enhance patient care by ensuring health care professionals can respond properly to their patients.
A lower patient-to-caregiver ratio would also facilitate better care coordination among health care professionals and reduce staff burnout.
“By alleviating the burden on individual caregivers, we would be allowing them to maintain their well-being, job satisfaction and overall performance,” Tomlinson said. “Nurses are doing all they can to save the lives of Pennsylvanians and now it's time for our Legislature to do its part to protect patients and nurses in our communities.”  
The bill now moves to the Senate.

Representative Kathleen “K.C.” Tomlinson
18th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives