House Committee Hearing to Focus on Future Autism Services
WHAT: The House Human Services Committee, led by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks), will hold a public hearing about autism services and addressing imminent critical service gaps.

WHO: DiGirolamo; Rep. Angel Cruz (D-Philadelphia), minority chairman; Rep. Tom Murt (R-Philadelphia/Montgomery); and other members of the House Human Services Committee. Those expected to offer testimony include Nina Wall, director, Bureau of Autism Services, PA Department of Human Services; Lindsay Shea, director, and Pam Piscitelli, both from Eastern ASERT, Drexel University; Katy McGinley Kaplan, director, Human Services and Special Initiatives for Philadelphia City Councilman Dennis O’Brien; Kathleen Brown McHale, president and CEO, and Annemarie Clarke, corporate officer, SPIN; Julia Barol, George Washington University; and family members, Kathy and James Costello, and Jack, Maria and John Junod.

WHEN: Thursday, May 21, 10 a.m. to noon.

WHERE: SPIN Inc., Norcom Community Center, 10980 Norcom Road, Philadelphia.

Media contact: Jennifer Keaton, 717.705.2094,