Cutler: House Democrats Continue to Fail Pennsylvanians on Election Reform
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said Wednesday House Democrats continue to fail Pennsylvanians on election reform legislation.
During session on Wednesday, House Democrats passed a standalone bill extending pre-canvassing time without including other popular comprehensive election reform measures like requiring voters to show identification each time they vote.
“House Democrats pushing this bill forward today may make government easier for government, but it does not respond to what the vast majority of Pennsylvanians believe is needed to make our elections better and more secure,” Cutler said.
“House Democrats continue to abandon popular, commonsense and easy-to-implement reforms in search of their pre-canvassing “White Whale” that ranks amongst the least supported election reforms. Polling in April showed requiring identification each time a person votes is not only widely supported, but is broadly believed to be a commonsense election reform that will increase confidence in the conduct of Pennsylvania’s elections. Signature verification, according to recent polling, is one of the most universally supported election reforms and mirrors in-person election day practices.”
Noting recent additions to the discharge resolution petition on a constitutional amendment for voter identification, Cutler said the measure enjoys support from half of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
“With 100 signatures on the voter identification constitutional amendment discharge petition, it is clear House Democrats need to get out of their own way and put up this easily achievable election reform for a vote in the House,” Cutler said.
Republican Leader Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
717-512-0620 /