Pugh Takes Oath of Office for First Term
HARRISBURG – Rep. Brenda Pugh (R-Luzerne) took the oath of office Tuesday to begin her first term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Pugh was elected in November to serve a two-year term representing the 120th Legislative District.

“I’m honored and humbled to serve the residents of Luzerne County in the House of Representatives,” Pugh said. “I will spend the upcoming session listening to the residents and carrying their feedback with me to the Capitol. I’m excited to represent my neighbors’ interests to tackle the challenges we face in Pennsylvania.”

Pugh’s priorities for the 2025-26 Legislative Session include:

• Jobs First: Stopping job-crushing regulations, supporting energy independence and standing with workers.
• Protecting Taxpayers: Holding the line on broad-based taxes.
• Public Safety: Ensuring police and first responders have the tools they need.
• Prioritizing Students: Giving parents more control and focusing on catching up kids who have fallen behind at school.
• Backing Real Reforms: Supporting Voter ID and ending automatic cost-of-living adjustments and unaccountable per diems without receipts for politicians.

The 120th Legislative District includes Courtdale, Exeter, Forty Fort, Kingston, Luzerne, Pringle, Swoyersville, West Wyoming and Wyoming boroughs, as well as Dallas, Exeter, Franklin, Jackson and Kingston townships in Luzerne County.

Representative Brenda Pugh
120th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Melissa Fox
RepPugh.com / Facebook.com/RepBrendaPugh