Anderson Appointed to Key House Committees
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Marc Anderson (R-York) this week was appointed to serve on four important House committees: Education, Game and Fisheries, Human Services, and Labor and Industry.

Committees are responsible for vetting and fine-tuning legislation before it goes to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

“In committee, I will have the opportunity to provide input on legislation and even possibly amend bills to improve them before they are voted on by all 203 House members,” said Anderson.

“I am very pleased with the committees to which I have been assigned,” he continued. “Education was an obvious choice given my background as a teacher; Game and Fisheries leans into some of my favorite pastimes; Human Services will enable me to be a leading voice on issues facing those residents most in need; and Labor and Industry will provide me with input on growing our workforce. I am ready to hit the ground running and get started on the work I was elected to do.”

Anderson represents the 92nd Legislative District, which includes Carroll, Dover (District 2), Fairview, Franklin, Monaghan, Newberry, Warrington and Washington townships; and the boroughs of Dillsburg, Franklintown, Goldsboro, Lewisberry, Wellsville and York Haven.

Representative Marc Anderson
92nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman