Brown Recognizes Sexual Assault Awareness Month in House
HARRISBURG – Rep. Rosemary M. Brown’s (R-Monroe/Pike) resolution recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Pennsylvania was approved by the state House this week. After the vote, Brown made the following statement:
“Sexual assault is a general term that includes unwanted sexual activity including rape, incest, sexual abuse and molestation. Most victims of rape or sexual assault are females younger than 24 years of age. Additionally, statistics show that one in five girls, and one in six boys, who are abused are under the age of 12.
“These numbers associated with sexual assault are unacceptable, and I believe people need to be aware of the long-lasting effects this type of abuse and violence and work together toward prevention. That is why I sponsored
House Resolution 172.
“I would like to acknowledge Women’s Resources of Monroe County and Safe Haven of Pike County, both local programs that work diligently all year-round to educate, prevent, protect and offer services dealing with sexual assault and other forms of abuse. Anyone needing assistance can call the Monroe County agency at 570-421-4200, and the Pike County agency can be reached at 570-296-2827.”
Video of Brown’s floor remarks can be found at
For more information about House Resolution 172, or any state-related issue, contact Brown’s district office in East Stroudsburg located at 696 Seven Bridge Road, Suite 101, East Stroudsburg, by calling 570-420-8301. Information on current legislation can also be found on and
Representative Rosemary M. Brown
189th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
717.705.2032 /