Parker Continues Efforts on Fair Funding Formula
HARRISURG – The state’s Basic Education Funding Commission, a 15-member panel tasked with developing and recommending a new formula for distributing state funding for basic education to Pennsylvania school districts, is meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday to hear a presentation on Gov. Tom Wolf's proposal for fair funding, said Rep. David Parker (R-Monroe).
“We are very pleased to see Governor Wolf recognize the unfair, inequitable school funding formula in his budget address,” Parker said. “For too long, Monroe County school districts and our taxpayers have been forced to make huge over-payments compared to other Pennsylvania taxpayers.”
Parker, who continues to devote his energies and efforts to get a truly fair plan proposed and adopted as soon as possible, noted that House Bill 1738, which created the commission, requires that any new formula take into account relative wealth, local tax effort, geographic price differences, enrollment levels and local support.
“For Monroe County taxpayers, there is no tax more unfair or egregious than the school property tax,” Parker said. “I look forward to working with the governor, House and Senate leaders to get FAIR school funding in this year's budget.”
Representative David Parker
115th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner
717.260.6443 /