Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Curt Sonney (R-Erie) said it is past time to complete the budget before local schools are forced to close their doors..
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Marguerite Quinn (R-Bucks) said it is past time to close out this years' state budget in order for the legislature to move on with next year's fiscal plan.
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Tom Quigley (R-Montgomery) said it is past time to close out this years' state budget in order for the legislature to move on with next year's fiscal plan.
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren Forest & Crawford) said it is past time to complete the budget and she hopes the governor will not continue to hold these programs hostage.
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth supplemental budget legislation to address the funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The supplemental funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Ward said it is past time to close out this years' state budget in order for the legislature to move on with next year's fiscal plan.
Mar. 16, 2016 Download
The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee recently held an informational meeting on legislation designed to protect natural gas royalty owners. Rep. Garth Everett (R-Lycoming & Union) is the prime sponsor of House Bill 1391, which would legally shield landowners from the efforts of drilling companies to deduct post-production costs from their royalty payments. Everett said he hopes that a better understanding of the issue will hasten the bill’s movement through the legislative process.
Mar. 15, 2016 Download
House Majority Leader Dave Reed (R-Indiana) commented on lawmakers’ efforts to compromise and find resolution for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unfinished due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as corrections and agriculture funding. Reed indicated that the House plans to address many of the Governor’s vetoes and ensure that funding is available to keep schools open.
Mar. 15, 2016 Download
Lawmakers were joined by members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Tuesday in Harrisburg to call for action on legislation that would expand Pennsylvania’s ignition interlock program to make the devices mandatory for first-time DUI offenders with blood alcohol levels that measure over .10 percent. Ignition interlock systems have been proven effective in reducing recidivism rates for drunk driving, and in the 15 states that have enacted similar laws, drunk driving deaths have declined by as much as 45 percent. Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver) said he believes the expanded ignition interlock bill should be a high priority for action by the House Transportation Committee this year.
Mar. 15, 2016 Download
Rep. Keith Greiner (R-Lancaster) was joined by lawmakers and members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Tuesday in Harrisburg to call for action on his legislation that would expand Pennsylvania’s ignition interlock program to make the device mandatory for first-time DUI offenders with blood alcohol levels that measure over .10 percent. Ignition interlock systems have been proven effective in reducing recidivism rates for drunk driving, and in the 15 states that have enacted similar laws, drunk driving deaths have declined by as much as 45 percent. Rep. Greiner said while this is a statewide concern, it is a particularly acute problem in Lancaster County.
Mar. 11, 2016 Download
The weekly Legislative Report Program with Rep. Martin Causer (R-McKean, Potter & Cameron) is now available on the House Republican Radio News Service. You may use this brief public affairs report in its entirety or edit it down for actualities to use in your state government news coverage.