Jun. 25, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – The House today approved multiple bills, all part of a comprehensive package of legislation to ensure taxpayer dollars are not being used fraudulently or misspent. Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover), who spearheaded the initiative to create the bill package and is the sponsor of House Bill 2352, issued the following statement:
Jun. 25, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Legislation to ensure that women receive coverage for custom breast prosthetics when that choice is the best option post-mastectomy surgery has been approved by the state Senate, said Rep. Meghan Schroeder (R-Bucks), who authored the measure.
May. 28, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – An amendment introduced by Rep. John Hershey (R-Mifflin/Juniata/Franklin) to the state’s Fiscal Code bill would prohibit bans or taxes on single-use plastic bags in Pennsylvania until the end of Gov. Tom Wolf’s emergency declaration for COVID-19.
May. 28, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – At the request of Republican members from the southeast region of Pennsylvania, $10 million from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act has been approved by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to go to entities across the state working on research and development of a coronavirus vaccine, such as Wistar Institute in Philadelphia.
May. 28, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG - State Rep. Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) firmly believes “you can’t spend what you don’t have, especially when you don’t know what you have.” With that as a basis, he joined colleagues on both sides of the aisle today in sending to Gov. Tom Wolf the package of state budget legislation for the first portion of the 2020-21 fiscal year.
May. 28, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Taking action today to help protect 123,000 Pennsylvanians living in the state’s nursing home facilities, personal care homes and assisted living residences, the Senior Protection Act, House Bill 2510, authored by Speaker of the House Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) and co-sponsored by Reps. Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny) and Bill Kortz (D-Allegheny) to help these facilities keep loved ones safe, passed the House and is heading to the governor’s desk for his signature, Turzai said.
May. 28, 2020 / Press Release
Some of the most gut-wrenching conversations I’ve had with constituents have come over the past two months or so. They all carried a common theme: Unemployment benefits…or more like the lack thereof.
May. 19, 2020 / Press Release
For months we have been told by Gov. Tom Wolf and Department of Health Secretary Rachael Levine that senior citizens, one of our most vulnerable populations, are at a greater risk of dying from COVID-19 and that we must do all we can to protect them.
May. 14, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – State Reps. Tommy Sankey (R-Hastings) and Jim Rigby (R-Johnstown) both remember legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey very well.
May. 01, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – As communities across the United States grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects, Rep. Paul Schemel (R-Franklin) is urging Pennsylvania school districts to consider cost-savings measures. He released the following letter:
Apr. 21, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Rep. Natalie Mihalek (R-Allegheny/Washington) announced today her legislation that would require the Department of Community and Economic Development to issue a waiver allowing all car dealerships to open while respecting the recommended Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines has passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Mar. 27, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – House Republican leaders issued the following statement regarding Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement today of a statewide “shut-down”:
Mar. 25, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Small businesses impacted by the spread of coronavirus and subsequent efforts to contain it may now apply for 0% interest loans from the Commonwealth, Rep. Ryan Warner (R-Fayette/Westmoreland) announced today.
Mar. 19, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG — In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the deadline for older adults and Pennsylvania residents with disabilities to apply for rebates on rent and property taxes paid in 2019 has been extended from June 30 to Dec. 31, 2020, the Department of Revenue announced today.
Mar. 11, 2020 / Press Release
Many of our constituents have contacted us recently expressing concern and frustration with a new storm water fee being imposed by their municipalities. While this is not a new issue generally speaking, we are equally concerned as more and more municipalities choose to impose a fee on their residents in response to clean water mandates coming down from the Federal government.
Mar. 09, 2020 / Press Release
I ran for office based largely on my more than 25 years of business experience. During that time, I not only led one of York County’s finest companies but served as a consultant to many of the largest and most respected companies in the world. That experience, combined with the extensive travel it involved, led me to the realization that American capitalism is one of the greatest sources of good in the world.
Mar. 04, 2020 / Press Release
There are several names synonymous with York County. There’s Utz and Martin’s, the snack food giants based in the western end of the county, Wright, who gave Wrightsville its name, and many others that have withstood the test of time.
Feb. 28, 2020 / Press Release
Gov. Tom Wolf recently presented his budget message to a joint session of the General Assembly. His budget proposal shows that his administration has already overspent the current budget by nearly $600 million. In spite of that profligate spending, the Governor is now seeking an additional $1.5 billion in new spending for next year’s budget. Over 80% of that new spending is for welfare benefits.
Feb. 28, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG — Rep. Sheryl Delozier (R- Cumberland) today announced that School Safety and Security grants totaling $90,000 have been awarded to school districts in the 88th Legislative District.
Feb. 27, 2020 / Press Release
HARRISBURG – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bradford County this week was awarded $205,547 in state funding to expand its mentoring program for at-risk youth in Bradford, Sullivan and Tioga counties, according to Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna).