Oct. 16, 2019 / Press Release

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is encouraging citizens to take steps to prepare for emergencies by participating in September’s 30 Days/30 Ways preparedness event in which participants can win prizes of safety gear to help them get through an emergency.

Anyone who wants to participate can register to get weekly updates with helpful hints and tips to get them started on their journey to preparedness. The information in the weekly updates can easily be shared with family, neighbors, and loved ones.
At the end of the month, participants who fill out a brief survey about their experience will be entered in a random drawing to win a wind-up radio, flashlight or phone charger.
There are simple things you can do now to prepare your family and help your community after an emergency:

• Take a basic first aid or CPR class;
• Create a family emergency plan so loved ones know who to contact and where to go in an emergency;
• Have a small kit of emergency supplies in your home and car;
• Know how to turn off utilities safely in your home;
• Review insurance policies and coverage to ensure it is adequate for the hazards you may face;
• Purchase flood insurance; and
• Build up an emergency fund.

More information about how to prepare for an emergency, including specific information for people with access and functional needs, as well as pet owners, is available on the ReadyPA.com webpage.