We are elected to address issues, not avoid them. In the spirit of not shying away from tough topics, I’d like to tackle another one…abortion. On Oct. 21, I proudly spoke in support of the heartbeat bill (House Bill 1977), which would outlaw abortions after detection of a heartbeat, which I believe to be undeniable proof of two individual lives being present.
I am adamantly pro-life, a position no doubt opposed by some of my constituents, and I welcome critique and opposing views. In that spirit, I’d like to address some of the more common criticisms I’ve received on the legislation. That way, you will hopefully appreciate where I’m coming from and respect the fact that I’m following my convictions:
Men should stay out of this. This argument does not resonate with me as all citizens have a right to express an opinion on whatever subject they deem appropriate. That would be like me, a strong Second Amendment supporter, suggesting non-gun owners have no right to an opinion on gun control.
Every baby also has a father who is expected to support his children, so they most certainly should have a voice. Lastly, I have a wife and two daughters who are pro-life. I’m confident the majority of my female constituents are also, so I am well within my right as their representative to advocate for them.
Are you going to adopt these kids? As a matter of fact, my wife and I have adopted four children. It is the greatest thing we ever did, and there are plenty of other loving families willing to welcome these precious babies into their home.
How can you infringe on a woman’s right to choose? It was my strong-willed, independent, 23-year-old daughter who reminded me the vast majority of pregnancies come about because of people exercising their right to choose…to have unprotected sex. No one has denied them their rights. In cases of rape, drunkenness, etc., there are exceptions and/or options which include the morning after pill, and even abortion itself, prior to a heartbeat being detected. House Bill 1977 allows for both of those actions. I’m not promoting those choices, but I note they are permissible, as evidence of the balance struck by this bill.
What are we supposed to do with all these unwanted children? Who’s going to take care of them? This one is my favorite. If you think unwanted children are a problem, look at the current labor crisis for which no one has a solution. For the first time in history, we will soon have more people over the age of 65 than we have under age 18. Pennsylvania’s population has flatlined. Only the older demographic is growing, and we are now the fifth-oldest state at 10% above the nation median age. Rest assured, it is not these “unwanted” children who need us, it is we who need them.
If not for abortion, we would have roughly a million more desperately needed Pennsylvanians in our workforce today. We are now suffering the consequence of Roe vs. Wade and it is only going to get worse…much worse. As the baby boomers who praised Roe live longer than ever, they are learning firsthand that we do not have enough people to staff assisted living facilities, serve as volunteer firefighters, or fill much-needed manufacturing jobs, all of which maintain and improve our way of life. Abortion has cost us dearly.
Put simply, while it may not always be easy or convenient, there is no right way to do the wrong thing. I am not vilifying anyone and believe strongly we need to do more to support young mothers. But there is a consequence for doing the wrong thing.
We as a society are, and will continue to, suffer the consequence of doing the wrong thing. I realize the heartbeat bill may not hold up to legal scrutiny in its current form, but it’s a good place to start the discussion. If you think it goes too far, I can respect that. But I hope we can also agree our current law allowing abortion up until six months goes too far as well.
Think for a moment - one person denying another person their very existence, their entire right to experience life. We’ve lost the perspective of realizing just how barbaric that concept is. No one, not even a mother, should have that kind of power over someone else. I believe we do not have the right to take a life as such.
It is my hope we can start doing the right thing and begin to put this divisive issue behind us.
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little
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