Dec. 18, 2019 / Press Release

HARRISBURG – According to state Rep. Andrew Lewis (R-Dauphin), many people knew Mark Gaspich. It was easy to get to know someone who touched so many lives.

“Mark was a multi-talented individual who was involved in so many things and passionate about every one of them,” said Lewis. “His death in October of last year was a huge loss for our community.”

Lewis’ effort to recognize Gaspich’s many contributions continued Wednesday, as the House unanimously passed legislation that would designate Route 39 from Dover Road to Forest Hills Drive in West Hanover Township as the Officer Mark Gaspich Memorial Highway. House Bill 1849 may now be considered by the state Senate.

Gaspich was 44 years of age and working as a corrections officer when he died of natural causes in the line of duty at SCI Camp Hill. In addition to being an EMT, a former employee of the Dauphin County Sheriff’s Office and a community service officer with the Lower Paxton Police Department, Gaspich was a 28-year volunteer firefighter with Linglestown Fire Company No. 1, Station 35.

“Mark also donated his service as a trained critical incident stress debriefer in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City,” Lewis added. “He was the consummate public servant who set an incredible example for us all.”

Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Lewis’ district office by calling 717-652-3721.

Representative Andrew Lewis
105th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little
717.260.6137 /