Jun. 01, 2016

WHAT: Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin), chairman of the House Majority Policy Committee, is hosting a hearing to get a glimpse into the severity of the state’s drug problem, what measures are being used to combat addiction, and what other tools and services communities may need in order to address the growing epidemic.

WHO: Benninghoff and Republican House members from across Pennsylvania will hear testimony from law enforcement, treatment centers and a family impacted by the epidemic.

Testifiers include: Stefanie J. Salavantis, district attorney of Luzerne County; James McMonagle Jr., assistant district attorney of Luzerne County; Robert G. Jolley, Dallas Township chief of police; Michael D. Donahue, Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Drug & Alcohol Program; John Knowles, Clearbrook Treatment Centers; and Sharon Kempa, sharing her personal testimony.

WHEN: Thursday, June 2, from 10 a.m. to noon.

WHERE: West Side Career and Technology Center, 75 Evans St., Kingston.

Media contact: Morgan Wagner, 717.260.6281, mwagner@pahousegop.com