May. 26, 2016

HARRISBURG – To distribute state education dollars in a viable and fair manner, this week Rep. Tom Quigley (R-Montgomery) supported a new funding formula for basic education as recommended by the Basic Education Funding Commission to Pennsylvania’s 500 school districts. An overwhelming majority of the House joined him in the strong, bipartisan vote.

“Following a great deal of work, the legislative body has succeeded in garnering the necessary support to prioritize all students of the Commonwealth,” Quigley said. “Rather than favoring one student over another, House Bill 1552 would allocate education funding according to a formula that was developed independent of political party or geographic location.”

The 15-member Basic Education Funding Commission, produced the basic education funding formula contained in House Bill 1552 after many hearings held to provide the perspectives of superintendents, school board presidents, business leaders, nonprofit organizations and parents.

The commission also engaged the Independent Fiscal Office to develop and record the results of a survey sent to a representative sample of Pennsylvania school districts to determine their costs for various factors. The financial information gathered was used as a guide in developing the new funding formula that will affect the Commonwealth’s 500 school districts.

“The Basic Education Funding Commission came to the unanimous conclusion that the new formula is the fairest way to distribute the state’s education funding, and that bears out locally. School districts will benefit more from this formula as opposed to the way money is currently being allocated, lessening the burden felt by homeowners through property taxes.”

As House Bill 1552 has passed in the House and the Senate, it now goes to the governor for his signature.

Representative Tom Quigley
146th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Evans
717.260.6206 /
