May. 23, 2016

HARRISBURG – Legislation that would, if enacted, expand income eligibility limits for participation in the Pennsylvania PACENET prescription drug assistance program, received unanimous approval today by the House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee, said committee chairman Rep. Tim Hennessey (R-Chester/Montgomery).

The bill, authored by Rep. Frank Farry (R-Bucks), could raise the annual income eligibility level for the PACENET program from $23,500 to $31,000 for single individuals and from $31,500 to $41,000 for married couples.

“This vote represents the strong bipartisan support that has been given to this legislation in its drafting and now, in the committee,” said Hennessey. “The cooperation among House members, staff members and stakeholders from various groups is an example of how good things can be accomplished with a joint effort. I thank Aging Secretary Teresa Osborne, the Pennsylvania AARP and many others who are aiding in this effort to make prescription medicines more readily available to our seniors.”

Hennessey said it is estimated that 32,000 seniors would become eligible for assistance due to this proposed expansion.

In addition, the bill would rebalance the established formula by which pharmacies are reimbursed for the costs of purchasing prescription drugs. Because of that, no new funds would be needed from the Lottery Fund and it would save money within the department. Also, it would change the status of the current Department of Aging Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board to an advisory panel in an effort to give them greater input into developing policy.

The bill goes to the House floor for consideration.

Representative Tim Hennessey
26th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Raymond Smith
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