Apr. 14, 2016

HARRISBURG – In an effort to streamline social services, the House unanimously voted in favor of Rep. Aaron Kaufer’s (R-Luzerne) bill on Wednesday to place the operation of the state’s compulsive and problem gambling program under the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP).

“During a time when our state budget is tight, we need ways to save money and to streamline government services,” Kaufer said. “This bill will send the money for compulsive gambling and gambling addiction directly to the agency that will oversee the programs, providing more efficiency and ultimately more resources to combat this underground epidemic.”

Current law places the state’s compulsive and problem gaming program under the Department of Health. House Bill 1843 corrects state law to reflect the fact that the compulsive and problem gambling program is actually operated within DDAP.

“This bill is technical in nature, but I sponsored it to correctly place the program under the department in which it operates,” Kaufer said. “I think it’s important to place the responsibilities for people who may be addicted to gambling under the DDAP where other addictions are treated.”

For more information about this legislation, or any other state-related issue, contact Kaufer’s district office in Luzerne located at 161 Main St., by calling 570-283-1001. Information can also be found online at RepKaufer.com or Facebook.com/RepKaufer.

Representative Aaron Kaufer
120th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
RepKaufer.com / Facebook.com/RepKaufer