Apr. 13, 2016

HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) issued the following statement after the House voted 149-45 to pass House Bill 1589, a state fiscal code bill that would reestablish the funding formula developed by the Basic Education Funding Commission. The education funding formula was abandoned when Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed the state fiscal code last month.

“Today’s vote is a victory for Pennsylvania families. Schools in the 145th Legislative District stood to lose over $640,000 under the governor’s misguided funding formula. Now, we are able to secure a fair distribution of education funding for schools across the Commonwealth. Many districts are in dire financial situations and today’s actions ensure that the education of our students will not suffer.

“Thanks to the bipartisan support of House Bill 1589, we are able to send a veto-proof bill to Gov. Wolf. This sends a clear message to the governor that the education of Pennsylvania’s students is not a political issue. I am encouraged by the efforts of the entire legislative body in passing this in such an overwhelming manner.”

The Senate voted on Wednesday to pass the fiscal code by a veto-proof majority (37-11). The bill now heads to the governor’s desk.

Representative Craig Staats
145th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Dux
RepStaats.net / Facebook.com/RepStaats