Apr. 13, 2016

HARRISBURG – Members of the York County House Republican delegation today joined the majority of their colleagues in the House and Senate in passing legislation that will require use of a more equitable school funding formula rather than Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan that heavily favored the School District of Philadelphia. House Bill 1589, which also restores construction reimbursement funding schools are owed through PlanCon (the Planning and Construction Workbook), passed each chamber of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority, thus preventing a veto by the governor.

York County Reps. Seth Grove (R-Dover), Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), Kristin Phillips-Hill
(R-York Township), Mike Regan (R-Dillsburg) and Stan Saylor (R-Red Lion) issued the following statement in reaction to passage of House Bill 1589:

“This is a great day for students and taxpayers across the state. Today’s vote supports a more equitable funding formula for our schools rather than the governor’s plan that cheated the great majority of school districts statewide while funneling an inordinate amount of money to the School District of Philadelphia.

“The work of the Basic Education Funding Commission (BEFC), which was created to address inadequacies in Pennsylvania’s basic education funding formula, must be respected. This bipartisan group of 15 state officials recommended a vast improvement over the existing formula, which did not account for changes in school enrollment, household income or a school district’s ability to generate local tax-related revenue.

“When Gov. Wolf applauded the commission’s work and then ignored it, he looked to the southeast and turned his back on the majority of students in both rural and suburban areas. This decision is good news for property owners, whose tax bills stood to take a significant hit because of the governor’s decision.”

York County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little