Apr. 13, 2016

HARRISBURG – Today, State Representative Greg Rothman (R-Cumberland) joined a bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives in supporting a fair basic education funding formula, which was included in House Bill 1589, also known as the Fiscal Code. Governor Tom Wolf previously vetoed the Fiscal Code. The legislation was adopted by a vote of 149 to 45. It was adopted in the state Senate with a veto-proof majority of 37-11.

Rothman issued the following statement after the passage of the legislation:

“The General Assembly is taking a giant step to support high quality education across the Commonwealth. This school funding formula fairly distributes new aid to our schools. In my district, this will increase school funding by over $361,000. While the governor previously vetoed this legislation, I hope he will promptly sign this into law.”

Representative Greg Rothman
87th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Eric Reath
RepRothman.com / Facebook.com/RepRothman