Apr. 13, 2016

HARRISBURG – Legislation authored by state Rep. Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York Township) that would save taxpayer dollars by preventing future employees of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) from enrolling in the Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) was passed today by the House with bipartisan support.

“PSBA employees have been participating in our state’s public pension system and costing taxpayers millions of dollars, even though they are not public sector employees,” said Phillips-Hill. “The association is a private sector non-profit entity made up of non-public sector employees, which one would think makes them ineligible for drawing a public pension. House Bill 1084, which is supported by PSBA and school districts statewide, will close this loophole.”

House Bill 1084, which may now be taken up by the state Senate, would change the definition of the phrase “government entity” which currently requires PSBA employees to enroll in PSERS.

“In some cases, these PSBA employees are also registered lobbyists,” Phillips-Hill added. “They should not be receiving a pension and benefits at taxpayers’ expense, and my bill will allow the association to move from a defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan.”

Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Phillips-Hill’s district office at (717) 428-9889 or 1-877-207-2272.

Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill
93rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little
RepKristin.com / Facebook.com/RepKristin