Apr. 12, 2016
HARRISBURG – Legislation designed to support senior citizens and their family caregivers by keeping ailing residents in their own home longer has been approved by the House, after changes by the Senate, said the bill’s author, Rep. Hal English (R-Allegheny). The bill is known as the Caregiver Advise, Record and Enable Act and was passed this week by the state Senate.
“I am grateful for the bipartisan, bicameral support for this important legislation,” said English. “The Senate made some improvements to the bill and I am pleased that the chambers members gave it their affirmative vote. Similar legislation has passed in 22 other states and two others are awaiting action by their respective governors.”
House Bill 1329 would require health care facilities to record the name of the family caregiver when someone is admitted to a hospital, and facilities would also be required to notify the designated caregiver when the patient is to be discharged to another facility, such as a rehab center, or home. A live explanation or video instruction on the medical tasks necessary to care for the patient would be given by the facility in order to ensure a smoother transition back home and maximize recovery.
“The Pennsylvania Department of Aging and the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania delivered strong support for this bill,” said English. “I am also very grateful for the support of the American Association of Retired Persons who worked diligently with me on this legislation. Our seniors deserve the best help we can give them. It will be a great aid to the health of our seniors to have the aid of those who can assist following a hospital discharge.”
The bill now goes to Gov. Tom Wolf for his signature.
Representative Hal English
30th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Raymond Smith