Apr. 12, 2016

HARRISBURG – To help families better afford long-term expenses related to disabilities, Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) joined his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support Senate Bill 879, which would create Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Tax Free Savings Account for Disabled Individuals. The bill passed unanimously out of the House on Monday.

Senate Bill 879 would provide for a state Treasury administered 529-ABLE Plan account to encourage families to set aside funds for future costs related to the disability of a family member, much like the PA 529 Guaranteed Savings Plan.

“This is a great bill and I am proud to support it. Families need options, like the ABLE accounts, to plan ahead to ensure the financial security of their loved ones with disabilities. I hope many people take advantage of this program,” said Heffley.

Qualified disability expenses would include funds needed for education, housing, transportation, employment support, health prevention and wellness, assistive technology, financial management, legal fees and other miscellaneous expenses. These funds would supplement, but not replace, benefits provided through private insurance, Medicaid, SSI, the beneficiary’s employment and other sources.

The bill is now on the governor’s desk.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Dux
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley