Apr. 12, 2016
WHAT: The House Majority Policy Committee and House Minority Policy Committee will host a joint, bipartisan hearing regarding the use of PA 2-1-1, a free service operated by the United Way to connect Pennsylvania residents with state and federal health and human service information and referrals. Through the use of public-private partnerships, the service now covers 85 percent of Pennsylvania.
Testifiers will go into detail on current how the service has aided Pennsylvanians and how PA 2-1-1 can be improved.
WHO: Democrat and Republican House Policy Committee members.
Testifers will include Kristen Rotz, president, United Way of Pennsylvania; Nancy Kukovich, PA 2-1-1 board chair and CEO of Adelphoi Human Services; Kelly Gollick, executive director of Contact Helpline, PA 2-1-1 Southcentral provider; and Lisa Austin, national director, 2-1-1 Strategic Enhancements and Disaster Recovery, United Way Worldwide.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 13, at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: House Majority Caucus Room, 140 Main Capitol Building.
WATCH LIVE: The press conference will be live-streamed at
Media contact: Morgan Wagner, 717.260.6281,