Apr. 12, 2016

HARRISBURG – “Code Blue” is a term used in hospitals to indicate cardiac or respiratory emergencies requiring immediate attention. Today, the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA) held a “Code Blue” rally at the state Capitol to call attention to House Bill 476, sponsored by Rep. Mauree Gingrich (R-Lebanon), which would require hospitals to establish, implement and monitor professional nurse staffing standards within their facilities.

“Studies show that appropriate staffing levels contribute to better patient outcomes, improved satisfaction among nurses and a decrease in health care costs,” said Gingrich, whose bill would require hospitals to establish professional nurse staffing committees, comprised of both nurses and hospital administrators. This would allow for individualized plans based on the unique characteristics of each patient unit, the patient’s level of illness, skill mix of staff, and the technology and services available to the bedside nurse.

“Allowing bedside nurses to be a part of nurse staffing decisions and having the opportunity to use their expertise is in the best interest of patients, the care team and the hospital,” Gingrich said.

House Bill 476 is in the House Health Committee.

To see Gingrich’s statements at today’s rally, click here.

Representative Mauree Gingrich
101st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Donna Pinkham