Apr. 05, 2016

WHAT: The House Game and Fisheries Committee will hold a public hearing to examine increasing the cost of hunting and fishing licenses in Pennsylvania. In recently submitting their annual reports, both the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) expressed a need to raise the price of licenses.

Only the Legislature is responsible for raising license fees. The Senate Game and Fisheries Committee has passed two pieces of legislation – Senate Bills 1166 and 1168 – that would allow the individual commissions to set their own fees by regulation.
WHO: The committee’s majority chairman, state Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-York County), will lead the hearing. Testifiers include representatives of the PGC and PFBC.

WHEN: Thursday, April 7, 10 a.m.

WHERE: Room 205, Ryan Office Building, State Capitol.

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: The hearing will be streamed through the chairman’s website, RepGillespie.com.

Media contact: Scott Little, 717.260.6137, slittle@pahousegop.com