Apr. 04, 2016
WHAT: Rep. Steve Barrar (R-Chester/Delaware), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, will conduct a public hearing to learn about
House Bill 1113 – the Community Paramedicine Services Act drafted by Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie).
WHO: Barrar, Bizzarro and members of the committee. Representatives from the following organizations will testify before the committee: Center for Emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania Inc., Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, Geisinger EMS and Geisinger Life Flight, Highmark, EmergyCare, Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council Community Paramedicine Task Force, Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania, and the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania.
WHEN: Thursday, April 7, at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: 60 East Wing, Main Capitol Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.
SteveBarrar.com, barring any technical difficulties.
Media contact: Alison Evans, 717.260.6206,