Apr. 04, 2016

HARRISBURG – The House today gave its overwhelming approval to legislation, sponsored by Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams), a member of the House Tourism and Recreational Development Committee, which expands protections for landowners who open their land for recreational use.  

House Bill 544 would amend the Recreational Use of Land and Water Act of 1965 to further protect landowners who permit their property to be used – free of charge – for recreational purposes.  Current law limits landowner liability for such activities as hunting and fishing, except in cases of willful or malicious failure to guard or warn against a dangerous condition, structure or activity on the property.

Moul’s bill would expand the scope of recreational uses to include activity such as exercise, sport, education, recreation, relaxation or pleasure, including snowmobiling and the riding of all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles.  

“Landowners who permit the free use of their property for recreational purposes should not have to worry that they will be sued for doing so,” said Moul.  “Adams County has a lot of open space that would be accessible to the general public for recreational purposes if landowners could be assured they are not opening themselves up to liability should someone get hurt on their property.”

The goal of House Bill 544 is to insulate property owners from frivolous lawsuits. Moul’s bill would award legal fees to property owners who are sued by recreational users and found not liable.

“I am hopeful that my legislation will encourage more landowners to open their land to recreational users and that those users will respect that privilege, exercise appropriate care and accept responsibility for themselves.”

House Bill 544 now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact:  Donna Pinkham