Apr. 04, 2016

HARRISBURG – The House today gave its unanimous approval to two bills, sponsored by Rep. Thomas Killion (R-Delaware), which would allow students studying to become licensed perfusionists to maintain their temporary permit for two years while they train and work toward licensing.

A perfusionist is a certified medical technician that maintains and operates lifesaving equipment that functions outside of the body, such as heart-lung machines and equipment that oxygenates blood during open heart surgery.

An individual seeking to be licensed as a perfusionist is issued a temporary permit to work under the direct supervision of a licensed perfusionist. The permit is valid for two years, during which time the student must pass several exams toward licensing. In order to take the required licensing exams, a student must have a permit.  Under current law, however, if a student fails one of the required exams, the temporary permit is revoked and the student cannot retake the exam or any other exams for licensing.

House Bills 1841 and 1842 amend the Medical Practice Act and the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act respectively to allow for the issuance of these permits for two years and to give those studying to become licensed perfusionists two years to take and, if necessary, retake exams required for licensing,” said Killion.  “If all exams are not taken and passed within those two years, the temporary permit would then be revoked.”

Killion’s bills now go to the Senate for consideration.

Representative Thomas Killion
168th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact:  Donna Pinkham
RepKillion.com / Facebook.com/RepKillion