Mar. 31, 2016
WHAT: The House Children and Youth Committee, led by Rep. Kathy Watson (R-Bucks/144th), will hold the first in a series of hearings intended to sustain and improve the child welfare system in Pennsylvania. This first hearing will focus on caseworker complement and retention within Children and Youth agencies at the county level.
WHO: Watson and members of the committee. Those expected to offer testimony at the hearing include Shiloh Hagerty, caseworker, Cumberland County CYS; Nicholas Ranney, intake caseworker, Franklin County CYS; Lynne D. Kallus-Rainey, Bucks County CYS executive director; Cathy Utz, deputy secretary, Office of Children, Youth and Families, PA Department of Human Services; Brian C. Bornman, executive director, PA Children and Youth Administrators, County Commissioners Association of PA; George Hartwick III, Dauphin County commissioner; and Bernadette Bianchi, executive director, PA Council of Children, Youth and Family Services.
WHEN: Monday, April 4, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Room 60, East Wing, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.
LIVE WEBSTREAMING: The hearing will be streamed live at
Media contact: Jennifer Keaton, 717.705.2094,