Mar. 30, 2016

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Kaufer (R-Luzerne) announced this week that he will co-chair the newly established PA Heroin, Opioid Prevention and Education (PA-HOPE) Caucus, which will consist of a bipartisan group of legislators interested in addressing the growing opioid epidemic in the Commonwealth. Kaufer’s colleague, Rep. Ed Gainey (D-Allegheny), will serve as the other chair.

“Just two weeks ago, my colleagues and I in Harrisburg voted to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes,” Kaufer detailed. “During that debate, several representatives recognized the need for action on the growing opioid epidemic, a huge threat facing our public health and safety. It’s past time to turn our words into action.”

In the Trust for America’s Health’s 2015 report, Pennsylvania ranked fourth highest among the states for its rate of drug overdose deaths for teenagers and young adults. The national rate is 7.3 per 100,000; Pennsylvania’s rate is 11.8 per 100,000. That same report detailed that its findings reveal the increase in teen and young adult drug overdose deaths is linked largely to the increase in prescription drug abuse and misuse, and the related doubling in heroin use by 18-to 25-year-olds throughout the last decade.

“This anti-drug initiative can save lives, and we aren’t doing enough to combat this epidemic in our state,” Kaufer attested. “The abuse of opioids and its effects touch too many families and individuals in the Commonwealth. When an epidemic affects all demographic, geographic and economic lines, immediate legislative action is necessary to combat such a crisis.”

Kaufer is also sponsoring legislation to streamline addiction services.

For more information about this initiative, or any other state-related issue, contact Kaufer’s district office in Luzerne located at 161 Main St., by calling 570-283-1001. Information can also be found online at or

Representative Aaron Kaufer
120th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Krisinda Corbin
717.705.2032 /