Mar. 29, 2016

HARRISBURG – Rep. John Lawrence (R-Chester/Lancaster) offered the following comments in response to the March 23, 2016, Milk Marketing Board order:

“Today, the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board maintained the state-mandated over-order premium at $1.60 per hundredweight. In its order, the board included standard language that ‘milk dealers shall show by line item on their monthly statements to independent producers and cooperatives the specific amount of the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board’s over-order premium being paid.’

“Family farmers selling to an independent milk dealer enjoy transparency and accountability with regard to the over-order premium, but regrettably, family farmers selling to a cooperative do not enjoy the same transparency with this state-mandated premium. In fact, a leading dairy cooperative recently told the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee that it was sending some of this Pennsylvania money to out-of-state dairy operations.

“Recently, the House passed House Bill 1265, which would provide every dairy farmer in Pennsylvania with clarity on exactly how much of this state-mandated over-order premium is in each milk check. It is past time for full transparency with this milk premium. All farmers in Pennsylvania, regardless of whether they sell to an independent milk dealer or a cooperative, deserve transparency and accountability with the over-order premium. It is my hope that the Senate will take up this legislation in the near future.”

Representative John Lawrence
13th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Morgan Dux
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