Mar. 23, 2016

HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) called today’s decision by Gov. Tom Wolf to allow the Legislature’s 2015-16 budget to become law a victory for taxpayers.

“The governor has thrown in the towel at large-scale tax increases, at least temporarily,” said Diamond. “After the Legislature approved critical funding for schools, agriculture, corrections and human services four separate times over the last nine months, Gov. Wolf relented to the will of the people, agreeing to release these state dollars without raising taxes on hard-working Pennsylvania families.”

Last week, lawmakers from both parties came together to pass House Bill 1801, legislation that restored the $6 billion Wolf line-item vetoed from the budget passed by the General Assembly in December in an effort to leverage lawmakers to raise taxes. More than $3 billion of that amount was cut from schools, prompting districts across the state to warn they soon could face closure if full funding wasn’t approved. Though Wolf had threatened to veto the new funding measure, he announced today that he would allow it to become law without his signature.

The governor also announced he would allow legislation funding Pennsylvania’s state-related universities, the Penn State Extension, 4-H programs and research into preventing the spread of avian flu and other threats to agriculture to become law.

“I am proud to stand up for the taxpayers of the 102nd District and all Pennsylvanians, who have repeatedly told me they can’t afford higher taxes,” said Diamond. “If the governor had made this decision a long time ago, parents, teachers, farmers, schoolchildren and those living with disabilities could have been spared this unnecessary worry and inconvenience.”

Diamond said he’s ready to stand up for taxpayers again during the upcoming battle for next year’s budget, which is due to be passed by June 30.

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Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Ryan Travis, 717.260.6335 /