Feb. 09, 2016
HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf today gave the second state budget address of his four-year term in which he threatened property tax increases on the people of Pennsylvania, said Rep. David Maloney (R-Berks).
Maloney issued the following statement regarding Wolf’s proposed 2016-17 spending plan:
“Gov. Wolf made property tax reform one of his campaign platforms, unfortunately he has abandoned the issue and he is instead pushing for increased spending paid for with massive sales and income tax hikes without it going to property taxes.
“In his address, Wolf called for a state spending plan of $33.29 billion and a tax increase of $2.7 billion in order to reach that spending number.
“How can anyone expect this man is serious about property tax reform when his policies go in the completely opposite direction of helping people keep their homes?”
Representative David Maloney
130th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner