Aug. 26, 2015
HARRISBURG-- Rep. John Taylor (R-Philadelphia) has co-sponsored legislation to address the challenge of juvenile drug dealers and firearms.
Data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission shows that offenders with prior juvenile felony drug offenses are more likely than offenders with prior adult felony drug offenses to be arrested for a firearms offense, yet the penalties are substantially lower.
House Bill 1497 would enhance the penalties for those people who have a major criminal judgment against them and choose to illegally carry a firearm,” Taylor said. “These offenders clearly need a harsher sentence.”
Under House Bill 1497, juveniles convicted of felony drug-dealing charges who subsequently possess an illegal firearm are prohibited from carrying a firearm for 15 years or until they reach the age of 30, whichever is earlier. Adults convicted of such a crime are prohibited from possessing firearms forever.
This legislation is supported by the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association and others in the law enforcement community. It is pending consideration by the House Judiciary Committee.
Representative John Taylor
177th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: David Foster
267.207.0207 /