Jun. 29, 2015
HARRISBURG – The state House today passed legislation authored by state Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) that would give York County commissioners a key tool they and county tourism officials have requested in the effort to further promote local destinations and attractions.
House Bill 794 may now be considered by the state Senate.
“We’re one step closer to giving our county commissioners a tool they have specifically requested,” Gillespie said. “It’s important to note this is a piece of legislation they asked for and one that gives them the option of increasing their hotel tax in order to further promote tourism, as opposed to mandating them to do so.”
House Bill 794 would give 54 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, including York County, the option to increase their maximum hotel room tax from three percent to five percent. The legislation will fill a funding gap and bring York County in line with its Adams, Dauphin and Lancaster County neighbors, whose hotel tax rate is already at five percent.
This next step in the legislative process was welcomed by York County Convention and Visitors Bureau President Anne Druck.
“Today is a great day in the effort to achieve equitable local tourism funding for York County and others across Pennsylvania,” she said. “Thank you to all lawmakers in the state House who voted today in favor of House Bill 794. We especially want to thank Representative Gillespie for his leadership in shepherding this bill through his chamber of the Legislature and express our gratitude to the York County delegation.
“At the same time, we know there is still work to be done, and the York County tourism community and stakeholders are committed to finishing the job. We ask for continued support from lawmakers to get this vital legislation for our Commonwealth’s economy to the finish line.”
Questions about this or any legislative issue may be directed to Gillespie’s district office by calling (717) 840-4711.
Representative Keith Gillespie
47th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little