Mar. 08, 2023
HARRISBURG – Rep. Mike Cabell (R-Luzerne) this week was appointed to serve on the Appropriations, Human Services and Transportation committees in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 2023-24 Legislative Session.
“I am grateful to Republican leadership for placing me on committees where I can best put my knowledge and experience to work for residents of the 117th Legislative District and all Pennsylvanians,” said Cabell.
The House Appropriations Committee’s primary task is to develop a state budget each fiscal year. Cabell will take part in budget hearings that are scheduled to begin on Monday, March 20, at the Capitol.
“As a freshman House member, it is an honor to have been named to this important committee. I look forward to working with my colleagues in finalizing a spending plan that adequately funds the core services of state government without placing an additional burden on taxpayers already struggling with rising inflation,” Cabell added.
The House Human Services Committee has oversight of issues within the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. The committee examines the delivery of human services and the challenges faced by individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, along with those needing mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment.
“My private-sector experience in the behavioral health care field will be helpful as we work on legislation related to Pennsylvania’s opioid epidemic,” noted Cabell. “I have firsthand knowledge of the devastation caused by drug addiction and can provide valuable insight on possible solutions to the problem.”
The House Transportation Committee is responsible for reviewing vehicle code regulations, mandatory insurance and coverage minimums, rules of the road, parking and local enforcements, mass transit codes, rail issues, PennDOT planning, oversight of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, airports, scenic highways and highway naming.
Standing committees are a cornerstone of the legislative process. All bills are assigned to a committee to undergo review. Committees may hold hearings on legislation, consider amendments to pending bills and report them to the full House for a vote.
Representative Mike Cabell
117th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
717-260-6474 /