Feb. 06, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) issued the following statement in response to today’s budget address by Gov. Josh Shapiro:

“Students are trapped in failing schools. Energy costs are at risk of skyrocketing. Businesses are desperate for an improved tax climate. Permitting reform is well overdue. As much as the people of Pennsylvania deserve cohesion among government officials, to praise the governor’s budget proposal would be an endorsement of deception. The governor has no clothes. His plan is all talk, and no action. 

“House Republicans are no longer waiting around for Gov. Shapiro. That’s why we’ve already introduced legislation that will bring jobs to Pennsylvania by fostering a better business environment and cutting through burdensome bureaucracy. We’ve secured resources for critical educational opportunities. We’ll be tackling the unfair tax system next. 

“House Republicans will continue to take action, traveling throughout this great Commonwealth and fighting for the issues that matter most to our hard-working families. We are committed to bringing HOPE, and a governor without clothes won’t stop us.”

Representative Joshua Kail
15th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Nancy Nilson
RepKail.com / Facebook.com/RepKail
