Apr. 22, 2024

WHAT: Reps. Valerie Gaydos (R-Allegheny) and Jessica Benham (D-Allegheny) will hold a press conference to discuss House Bill 1993, bipartisan legislation that would direct the Pennsylvania Insurance Department to develop a process for hearing and resolving pharmacy complaints against a Pennsylvania Benefit Manager (PBM). The bill they have introduced would also limit or ban several practices by PBMs, including patient steering, spread pricing and retroactive recoupment of money paid by the PBM to the pharmacy.

WHO: Reps. Gaydos, Benham, Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-Allegheny) and other state and local officials, along with Edward DeCaria, owner of Porter’s Prescription Pharmacy.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 24, 10:30 a.m.

WHERE: Porter’s Prescription Pharmacy, 935 Beaver Grade Road #1, Moon Township.

LIVE WEBSTREAMING: RepGaydos.com, Facebook.com/RepGaydos.

Media contact: Rick Leiner, 717-260-0647, rleiner@pahousegop.com.
