Apr. 29, 2015
HARRISBURG – The House Finance Committee has advanced legislation sponsored by state Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) that would update Pennsylvania tax law by enabling the timber industry to purchase equipment under a state tax exclusion that is already enjoyed by Pennsylvania’s agricultural operations. House Bill 504 may now be taken up by the full House.
House Bill 504 would extend a Sales and Use Tax exclusion to Pennsylvania’s timber harvesters, who are farmers in the same sense as the hard-working men and women who grow crops or milk dairy cows,” Gabler said. “From a tax point of view, they deserve the same treatment when it comes to purchasing equipment that is vital to their operations.”
Gabler’s legislation would exclude the purchase of machinery and equipment used in timbering from the tax. It would regard those items from a taxing standpoint in the same manner that acquisitions by the farming community of tractors, combines, tools and feed are treated. In addition to agriculture, current law already allows manufacturers and sawmills, among others, to purchase equipment tax free.
“The Department of Revenue has separate designations for foresters and farmers, which is unfair to the timber industry,” added Gabler. “House Bill 504 addresses that inconsistency, protects local jobs and boosts the local economy by allowing local timber producers to remain competitive.”
Questions about this event or any state-related matter may be directed to Gabler’s DuBois office at (814) 375-4688, his St. Marys office at (814) 781-6301 or Clearfield office at (814) 765-0593.
Representative Matt Gabler
75th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Scott Little
RepGabler.com /